Inline LED Dimmer is not working!

If the LED dimmer you have purchased is not working, there are a few things you can double check and try before contacting us for a replacement.

Here are some common mistakes that can be missed when installing.

Wired up correctly as shown below.LED-wiring.jpg


Output Voltage - Ensure you are not using this dimmer on a 12V system, if you have the tiny G4 light bulbs without he small pins then this dimmer will not work as it has an output voltage of 240V

A few ways to check if you have a 12v system.

  • Have you got a normal plug top or is a big and bulky? if its bulky then it will have a 12v transformer inside-  this dimmer will work here:
  • In the base of the light fitting is there a transformer?
  • On the old switch/dimmer (if applicable) was it much bigger? if so same as the plug top it may of had a 12v transformer in there.


Correct light bulbs being used - Please ensure you are using LED lamps that are designed for Leading Edge Dimmers and that the lamps are in fact dimmable lamps as not all LED lamps can be dimmed.


Correct wattage lamps being used - Here is a list of the correct wattage lamps that can be used with the dimmer.

  • LED: 4-25w
  • CFL: 11-25w
  • Incandescent & Halogen: 4-150w


Check your supply - If you can check to ensure the supply is working i.e ensure the socket is working that you are using (use a radio or something to test) being an electrician for many of years you will be surprised how many times this has caught people out as we always expect our socket to be working!

If that is known to be working, then check the fuse inside your plug top.

3 amp is the size you need if you must replace it.


Using a multi meter - (You will have to work with the lid off please be careful) If you have a multi meter to hand that would be really helpful, set the unit to AC voltage and test between the live (brown) and neutral (blue) on the input to ensure there is approx. 230v

If this is the case, then you know you have power up to the unit.

Then take your probes and put it on the output and ensure the dimmer is on then test again, you should get the same approx. reading.

If you do not get any voltage out, then ensure the small fuse inside the dimmer is working.

After the above steps if the dimmer is still not working please do get touch via this form

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